Automatic Marker

The automatic marker - aka automarker - is an extension to the UCT Vula and Amathuba learning management system (LMS) to automatically mark programming assignments. It usually appears as Automatic Marker in the left sidebar of Vula course sites that use it.

It is managed by the Scientific Officers together with the Systems Administrators.


The automatic marker is not currently zero-rated by South African mobile operators.


Before submitting you need to do the following:

  1. Write and test your program on your workstation.

    • If you are using the NetBeans IDE, be sure to remove the package name it adds from the top of the source file.

  2. Put your uncompiled source files into a zip file.

    • The file name does not matter as long as it as a .zip extension.

    • The files must be in the root of the zip file, not in a folder unless a specific structure has been specified in the assignment question.

Once you are ready to submit, select a method below.


There are currently 1 method for submitting your code to the automarker: Method 1

  • Method 1 is more interactive, but because it submits directly to the automarker (which is not currently zero-rated by mobile operators) will incur data charges.

Method 1

This is the standard method for submitting to the automarker via its web interface.


This method is not zero-rated by mobile operators.

  1. Click on the Automatic Marker item on the left menu of the Vula site.

    • The assignment page - including the list of Open Assignments is displayed. Each open assignment should have a Browse and a Submit button.

  2. Click on the Browse button of the assignment you want to submit and find and select the zip file you want to upload.

  3. Click the Submit button to submit the assignment to the marker.

  4. The automarker will mark the assignment providing feedback as it progresses.

  5. Examine the feedback, make the necessary changes to your program and follow this procedure again to submit an updated solution.


  • No Automatic Marker option on the Vula menu

    • This site / course does not use automatically marked assignments.